
Bourgault Agronomy


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Opener & Fertilizer Placement Configurations

Opener & Fertilizer Placement Configurations

A Comparison - Winter 2020

This trial was conducted to compare nutrient placement strategies using the latest Bourgault ParaLink™ Single and Dual Openers, including Bourgault Mid Row Bander® Fertilizer Applicators.  Measurements were taken on the effects that opener and spacing combination has on yield, plant stand and protein in wheat and if these differences were statistically significant.

When & Where

The trials were seeded on May 13th, 2020 on canola stubble east of St. Brieux, Saskatchewan.

Soil Composition

The soil in this area is a dark grey chernozem with a clay loam texture.  This soil is low in phosphorus and potassium.

Soil Testing: Soil tests showed reserves of 30N-4P-115K-30S with organic matter of 5.1%.


Seed: Landmark wheat was seeded at a rate of 150 lb/ac with a TKW of 39.6 g, giving a target of 40 seeds/ft2.
Total nutrients applied (actual amounts): 140N-35P-15K at time of seeding. Elemental sulfur was applied two falls previous to seeding.

Equipment Used

L7550 Air Seeder, and, 

30' PHD on 10" spacing equipped with single shank PLS™ Openers and MRB® Fertilizer Applicators, or,
30' PHD on 12" spacing equipped with single shank PLS™ Openers and MRB® Fertilizer Applicators, or,
30' PHD on 12" spacing equipped with dual shank PLDS™ Openers and MRB® Fertilizer Applicators (TriMax™ Triple-Shoot). 


400' by 30' strip trials were conducted which were replicated 3 times in a randomized block design; 
The middle 400' by 25' portions were harvested and a weigh wagon was used to determine gross bu/acre; 
Yield was adjusted by normalizing moisture and dockage to 14.5% and 0% respectively;
Statistical analysis was performed using a 90% confidence level.  Different letters represent a statistical difference between treatments.

2020 Wheat Trials

2020 Wheat Trials

LSD – 90% Confidence | 4.5 bushels | 2.8 plants/ft2 | 0.8% protein |
Notes On The Results

An application of phosphorus and potassium made a significant increase in yield for all 4 configurations.

There was a significant increase in yield when urea was placed in the mid row band versus in the side-band. This was documented in both the controls as well as when phosphorus and potassium were added.

There was a delay in crop maturity by about 4 days when nitrogen was placed in a side-band. This delay was observed at the time of emergence and remained throughout the entire growing season.

Plant stand was the highest in both of the 10" spaced treatments.

The protein averaged 14.4% with no significant difference amongst any of the treatments, but it did tend to dip when phosphorus and potash were introduced, most likely as a result of the increase in yield (not shown).

There was no significant difference in yield between 10" and 12" PLS™ configurations, but the 12" did have a significant reduction in plant stand.


A few things may have occurred to result in the significant yield increase when nitrogen was placed in a mid row band versus a side-band:

Having the nitrogen close to the wheat seed caused injury to the germinating seedlings, resulting in a weaker and delayed plant;

When nitrogen is placed near a developing seedling, root "pruning" can happen and result in an underdeveloped root system; this makes the roots less capable of water and nutrient uptake;

Root Comparison

Root Comparison

Photo Credit: Mike Dolinski

When high rates of nitrogen are placed in the same band as phosphorus and potash, there will be a delay in early starter nutrient uptake.  This is due to the toxic nitrogen radiating out from the side-band denying the plant early access to the essential starter nutrient trapped in this “hot band”. 

In 2019, we documented a significant yield difference between 10" spaced and 12" spaced treatments.  This year there was not a significant difference in yield, but there was a significant decrease in plant stands in the 12" spaced treatments.  This indicates some in-row competition between wheat seeds, most likely due to the 20% decrease in seedbed utilization (SBU) when using a 12" spaced machine versus a 10" spaced machine. 

This year, the application of phosphorus and potassium made a significant yield difference.  Nutrient levels on this field were quite low, so a response was expected.

Take Away

The results of the 2020 wheat trials can be used as a resource for Producers looking for information on what type of opener will work best on their operation.  There are other considerations including trash flow, roughness of field, soil throw and of course, initial price.  All these factors help Producers come up with the best fit that will help achieve long term success of their farming operation.

This and other agronomic reports are available from the Bourgault Agronomy website to use as reference when speaking with your dealer on what configuration will work best for you.  We also welcome you to continue this discussion with a Bourgault Agrologist - contact the Agronomy Department at Bourgault Industries and ask for Jeff or Curtis if calling from Canada, or Perry if calling from the United States.


Previous Where To Stash The Potash

Designing Equipment Around Agronomy

Bourgault operates a 2500 acre research farm in St. Brieux Saskatchewan. Every year Bourgault conducts field trials which help understand the impact of the design of the equipment on crop development, as well as to provide customers and agronomists with recommendations on how to best utilize the Bourgault lineup of equipment.

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