
Customer Service Center


Bourgault On-Line Customer Clinic 2025

9000 & 8000 Series Air Carts | 3330SE & 3335QDA PHDs | 3720 & 3820 PCDs

Bourgault On-Line Customer Clinic 20


***This page, documents, and videos have references the X35 however are still applicable to the X40.


1 - X40 APOLLO 

Air Cart Monitor / Controller

Arguably, the most critical component to familiarize yourself with is the Apollo X40 air cart monitor / controller.

Click on this link to open the X35 Apollo training page, which covers the same functions as the X40.

X35 Apollo Training

You can return to this main index at any time.

X40 Apollo Video Series

Click on the YouTube icon to view the X40 Apollo video series. 

X40 Apollo - Gear and Software Insights

Setup Document

Note: This is an advanced setup procedure intended for dealer support personnel.

Setup Document

Download PDF


2 - Seeding System Startup

To help you get off to the best start possible, Bourgault has produced the Seeding System Startup Video - an informative presentation that covers the critical aspects of your new seeding system. You can watch the presentation in its entirety, or use the links below to quickly access specific chapters.

Note: Information contained in the video presentation will be relevant for previous models equipped with X35 controllers.


Access Specific Chapters

Run your mouse along the bottom of the presentation to access specific topics in the presentation.


 Important - Checklist for Seeding System Startup 

Download this important startup reference checklist to refer to during the presentation. Print a paper copy for reference when performing the startup operation. 

Note: The checklist download is a PDF file with links for every step (links in BLUE) to more information on each topic.


3 - Product Calibration

9000 Series with X35 Apollo The presentation featured on the left covers the process of calibrating the 9000 Series air seeder with the X35 Apollo system. Even though the DynaCal™ feature will provide accurate on-the-go calibration corrections, it is still critical to follow the recommended calibration procedure at the start of each job to ensure you are starting with an accurate rate and verifying the metering system is functioning correctly.


 DYNACAL™ - How to Address Rate Discrepancy Alarms 

During seeding, DynaCal™ calculations are continually processed to compare actual product weight decrease vs the theoretical weight decrease in each tank.  When a discrepancy between your target and actual product rate is detected, an alarm will alert you to take action.

You will receive this "error" message during normal operation!

Download and refer to this document to become aware of what actions to take as per the error displayed.


Additional Calibration Presentations

Refer to the selection of calibration presentations below to find one that fits your specific new unit configuration.

9000 Series with X35 Apollo & Xtend

Includes the addition of the Xtend feature for tank-side control of the X35

8000 Series with X35 Apollo

Watch how to calibrate the 8000 Series air seeder with the X35 Apollo system.

8000 Series with X35 Apollo & Xtend

Includes the addition of the Xtend feature for tank-side control of the X35

8000 Series with XD / ISO Universal Terminal

Use with the tractor's virtual terminal, or optional XD ISO monitor available from Bourgault


4 - Additional Features

Note: Some documents are accessed from the Bourgault Electronic Documentation System (EzParts). Select "Enter as Guest" to proceed to your file.


I2I (M2M) Shared Coverage Option

Note: Product & Job lists must be created in one X35, then transferred to other X35s on the same job.

Component Installation & Setup

Download PDF


Weigh Scales/Fill Tanks

Integrated Scale Setup

Download PDF

Scale Setup & DynaCal™ Operation

Visit EZ Parts


Minimum Fan Speed Charts

9000 Series

Fallow Link

9000 Series with TriMax™ option

Visit EZ Parts

8000 Series

Visit EZ Parts


Rear & Saddle Tank Cameras

Camera Setup

Download PDF


3330SE & 3335QDA Opener Arms - PLS, PLDS, & PLX

Component Details & Depth Setting

Download PDF


5 - Drill Maintenance

Scheduled maintenance of the 3330SE & 3335QDA ParaLink Drill will ensure inimical problems during the critical seeding operation.

Download and review this document to become familiar with the recommended maintenance procedures.  You can also refer to your operator's manual for maintenance information.


6 - Tank Maintenance

The 9000 Series Air Seeder is the most versatile and capable commodity cart on the market.  To make sure it is working at peak performance, perform maintenance as service as recommended in the operator's manual.

Download and review this document to become familiar with the recommended maintenance procedures.  You can also refer to your operator's manual for maintenance information.


7 - Pre & Post Seeding Check List

Use the lists linked on the right to go over your seeding system to identify things to be addressed before next spring.
This is also an excellent opportunity to take advantage of special post seeding parts programming available at your Bourgault Dealer.

Paralink™ Hoe Drills

Download PDF

7000/9000 Series Air Seeders

Download PDF


You Are Ready!

We hope that the material provided with help you and your operation have the most trouble-free start to spring seeding.  You are invited to return to check for updates.  Please contact your Bourgault dealer additional information on the topics covered in this course.

Good luck with the spring seeding season!


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