The PLDS™ Opener provides a 4:3 contour ratio for the seed knife, placing the seed above and to the side of the fertilizer knife. The parallel linkage design maintains the fertilizer knife angle to soil flow as the arm follows field undulations.
The result is improved furrow development and more precise seed and fertilizer placement when compared to competitive dual shank openers.
Note: Available on 3330SE & 3335QDA ParaLink Hoe Drills™
Just like competitive dual-knife units, the PLDS™ Opener will not guarantee adequate seed to fertilizer separation in all conditions. This close seed-to-fertilizer proximity can result in reduced emergence, especially with higher nitrogen fertilizer rates in dry seeding conditions.
The horizontal knife-to-knife distance of the PLDS™ Opener can be easily adjusted for increased separation, however, this adjustment further increases seedbed disturbance and reduces residue clearance. The solution is to combine the PLDS™ Openers with the Mid Row Bander® Fertilizer Applicators to create the TriMax™ Triple-Shoot Delivery System eliminating the risk of seed damage from toxic fertilizer common to the dual-knife openers.