
X40 Apollo System9000 I Series Air Carts / 8000 Series Air Carts / CD Frame Mounted Seeders / HD Frame Mounted Seeders


Take Control

Achieve unprecedented control of your seeding system with the X40 Apollo System. Variable Rate Control for multiple products, Implement-to-Implement™ coverage sharing, on-the-go product rate verification and sectional control are only part of what this outstanding system will provide.

Quick Access At a Glance

Achieve Unprecedented Seeding Control with the X40 Apollo System
The X40 has a large touch screen featuring a heads-up dashboard, customizable for the needs of your operation. Realize full rate control capabilities, accurate data management, and time saving applications, all at your fingertips.

Customizable for Every Operator

Switch between various functions by simply dragging and dropping views on the screen.

The X40’s large 12" color touch screen features drag and drop technology to quickly access and customize the seeding information as required.

  1. The Primary View is used to show the Operator's most critical and current function. This view can be switched between various functions with ease by simply dragging and dropping from the Mini-Views;
  2. Smaller Mini-Views can be set along the side of the screen to display multiple air cart functions without taking up excessive screen space. These views can be interchanged with the Primary View as required;
  3. The Mini-View Menu provides quick access to the important features;
  4. The Heads-Up Dashboard is customizable to view up to 8 air cart functions with 3 viewable items per function.

Global Screen - Save Your Favorite Screens

Global Home Screen allows you to may your own custom default X40 screens.

Once you set up the screen, save it to a Global Screen Menu & for quick access in the future without going through the process of opening and closing multiple windows and panels. Even when used by multiple Operators, each one can save one or more views that suit their needs.

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Actual Rate Verification

The 9000 I Series Air Cart will provide accurate application rate readings for individual tanks, on-the-go!  DynaCal™ will alert the Operator if there of any variations between live and calibrated product rates.

DynaCal™ Live Rate Monitoring Takes Out the Guess Work

The 9000 I Series Air Cart will provide accurate application rate readings for individual tanks, on-the-go!

DynaCal™ will alert the Operator if there of any variations between live and calibrated product rates.


Never experience a nasty surprise at the end of a job!  DynaCal™ will ensure your target rate is attained each and every field.

Note: DynaCal™ is not available on 8000 Series Air Carts

Each individual tank is mounted on three load cells.

Seed with Confidence

  • Each individual tank is mounted on three load cells to create the triangulating effect that removes induced errors from frame torsion, allowing for accurate on-the-go rate calculations.
  • The DynaCal™ application compares the actual rates to the target rate set by the Operator.
  • If the difference between the actual and target rates exceed a set percentage, a warning is triggered.
  • A new calibration factor, calculated by the DynaCal™ application is provided.
  • Large discrepancies will advise the Operator to investigate a possible mechanical issue.

Finish With an Empty Tank

Using DynaCal™, the Operator can revise application rate(s) near the end of the job so that the air cart is empty when the field is finished.

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Xtend™ Your Reach

Double the number of functions being displayed by connecting a tablet to the X40 console.

Xtend™ Your Reach

  The Xtend™ Feature lets you operate the X40 outside of the tractor cab for critical operations such as calibration or tank fills.

A Wi-Fi dongle generates a local hotspot that a smart phone or tablet can be connected to.

Wi-Fi Enabled

A Wi-Fi dongle (which is installed to the back of the X40 Apollo monitor) generates a local hotspot that a smartphone or tablet can be connected to. Download the Topcon Xtend™ App onto any Android or Apple device.
Use the Xtend™ Feature to:
  • confirm calibration factors right at the tank;
  • monitor weights when loading tanks;
  • verify ASC™ manifold configuration;

all without running back to the tractor cab!

Increased Monitor Display Double the number of functions being displayed at one time by connecting a tablet to the X40 Apollo Monitor.

Remote Support Another great feature is your ability to see the X40 Console remotely. By connecting the X40 to a hotspot generated from a smartphone, you can view the X40 Apollo Monitor remotely allowing you to guide the drill Operator from any location.

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Variable Rate Control

The X40 Apollo supports variable rate control of up to 6 separate products.

Variable rate technology enables you to get the most out of your valuable inputs. The ability to apply the right amount of nutrients, combined with the ideal seeding rate in the right locations, will maximize your returns in each field.
The X40 Apollo System supports VR Control of up to 6 products (5 granular products, plus a 6th liquid or anhydrous product).

Variable Rate Map with Seeder Controller Mini-View

Industry-Leading Rate Control

VR Control allows you to:

  • mix fixed and variable rate applications between products;
  • support Shape files (most common) or ISO XML files;
  • step through and assign prescription maps to a specific product using VRC Wizard.
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Multiple Units - One Map

Two or more seeding systems can operate on one map in the same field.

I-to-I™ Field Management System

The Implement-to-Implement™ (I-to-I™) Field Management System allows multi-unit farms to operate two or more seeding systems in the same field and share the same field coverage map between units equipped with the X40 Apollo System.

I-to-I™ Multi-Unit Operation


I2I is achieved through the establishment of a Local Area Network via Wi-Fi connection.

Get More from Multi-Unit Operations

With I-to-I™, all Operators can view which areas of the field have been seeded allowing the Operator to avoid misses and, at the end of the day, have one complete coverage map when the field is finished.
The X40 Apollo System's communicate with each other via a Wi-Fi network, synchronizing seeding progress onto a single map.
As shown in the illustration, the ASC™ control for Unit #1 is working for a section of field covered by Unit #2.
  • An X40 Apollo System will automatically establish Wi-Fi communication with any other I-to-I™ equipped X40 within range (within a full-section of land, 1 mile X 1 mile) via a high-gain antenna.
  • The system also supports ‘unit hopping’ whereby if unit 1 is within range of unit 2, and unit 2 is within range of unit 3, but unit 1 and unit 3 are not within range of each other, unit 1 and unit 3 will maintain a connection through unit 2.
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Built-In Camera

Integrate two cameras onto the display for monitoring critical operations.

The X40 console has the ability to integrate two cameras onto the display for monitoring critical operations. You can view the camera channels either as a mini-view or in the expanded view.

  • The camera icon allows you to select which camera channel to view. You can select the loop option which will cycle through channels at the set interval based on the camera loop settings.
  • The arrows allow you to scroll through to the different camera channels.
  • The icon on the right allows you to change the display to a single camera view or to a split view.

Note: An ASA Voyager camera system is available for 8000 Series Air Carts and Frame Mounted Seeders.


Many More Features

X40 Apollo System
No other seeder controller system on the market provides the features offered by the X40 Apollo seeder controller. These include:
  • Dual Auto Section Control (Dual ASC™);
  • Product Blockage Monitoring;
  • Tank Optimizer;
  • Headland Manager;
  • Calibration Wizard;
  • Quick Start Job Wizard.

Dual Auto Section Control (Dual ASC™)

Dual Auto Section Control (ASC)
Reduce your input costs by minimizing double application where drill overlap occurs.
  • Set the on/off timings to your needs.
  • Control seed opener and Mid Row Bander® Fertilizer Applicator timings separately so that you can ensure that there are no seed misses and you won't have to overapply fertilizer in the headlands.
  • A quick reference guide is provided with suggested starting values and calibration procedure.

Product Blockage Monitoring

X40 Apollo System
Bourgault offers several different options to monitor product delivery on the air kit.
  • The Topcon blockage monitors (shown) provide an optical sensor installed on one tertiary line of each manifold.
  • The Agtron™ Legend option comprises of seed flow sensors on each tertiary line, giving you application monitoring to every seed boot.
Both systems work in conjunction with the Bourgault sectional control option, so nuisance alarms are not generated when sections turn off and on.

Tank Optimizer

X40 Apollo System
The Tank Optimizer calculates product fill recommendations based on product type and target rates entered so you can quickly determine which option will minimize your stops in the field. The Tank Optimizer provides several tank groupings and the projected coverage for each compartment for your consideration.
Note: The 9000 I Series does not have any interconnected tanks, but the Tank Optimizer can still be of benefit by suggesting the appropriately sized tank for products or how they could be split depending on set rates.

Headland Manager

X40 Apollo System
Eliminate uneven emergence by seeding the headlands last. Working with an established field border, the Producer enters in the number of headlands desired, then proceeds to seed the inner section of the field. The X40 automatically shuts off metering as the drill enters the headland. When the inner area is complete, the Producer can then set the X40 to allow seeding in that area.
There are three distinct advantages of seeding the headlands last with Headland Manager:
  • Reduced compaction in the headlands from trucks and seeding systems, delivering the best emergence possible on the headlands;
  • Elimination of the openers being dragged through the seeded area of the field;
  • Conformation of the field boundary, when the property line is unclear or night time seeding.

Calibration Wizard

X40 Apollo System
Calibration Wizard provides a logical step-by-step guide for completing a multi-tank calibration. A “charging” feature ensures that the metering augers are primed with product so an accurate sample is collected.


Operate the Calibration Wizard beside the tank with the Xtend™ Feature. When the X40 is linked to a tablet or smartphone, you can complete the entire calibration without running to the tractor cab.

Quick Start Wizard

Quick Start is designed to prompt the Operator to step through each desired operation prior to putting seed in the ground. Develop an efficient process and use it consistently throughout the whole season, each season.
Refer to the Customer Service video for more information on Quick Start.
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Additional Resources

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Visit the Bourgault Electronic Documentation System for parts and operational documentation.



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